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Friday, April 23, 2010

Sun’s new close-up images could unlock many secrets

New close-up images of the sun sent by NASA’s solar observatory satellite would help unlock the secrets of solar-storms, say scientists.
The new Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite, which was designed to predict disruptive solar storms, has sent some initial pictures and scientists say they are already learning new things.
Researchers showed off brightly coloured images and short movie clips of the sun in a webcast Wednesday. The satellite was launched Feb 11.
Dean Pesnell, the chief scientist, says it already has disproved at least one theory, but he didn’t give any details.
Richard Fisher, director of NASA’s heliophysics division, says the satellite is operating flawlessly.
The satellite carries three instruments, one built by the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and two built by Lockheed Martin in Palo Alto, California.
The mission will examine the sun’s magnetic field and its impact on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate.



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