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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ways to get him notice you

Ways to get him notice you (Getty Images)
So you like that cute guy and would like to see him ‘see’ you? A few basic steps can bring him closer to you. Read on to find out more...

Be yourself
That’s the best way to make sure that you don’t just get his attention, but also manage to retain it. No guy wants a girl who pretends to be someone else.

Try to become his friend
This one always works. What better way to get to know a guy.

Smile and make eye contact
How else do you expect him to notice you? Remember that a smile can do what a thousand words can’t.

Be cute
You are a girl and remember to turn on your charm when you are around the guy you like.

Start a conversation
But please, don’t just go on rambling about anything. Also don’t talk just about you and your likes and dislikes. A interesting conversation will always linger in his mind.

Make him feel special
You liked him first, so make sure that he gets to know that.

Go flirt
That’s the easiest way to get your point cross, but make sure that you aren’t giving out signals that mean you are interested in taking things beyond the mind flirting in a single night.

Don’t hang around
Don’t keep hanging around him all the time. He’ll end up thinking of you as an annoying pest.

Be assertive
Don’t feel that you have to play coy all the time. Be assertive. Men like girls who take decisions. Tell him exactly what you want, just don’t get too bossy.

Move about in front of him
And if he walks a lot on front of you then he probably likes you.

Don’t shower him with attention all the time
Sometimes ignore him. Let him notice you and try to catch your eye. 



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