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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pass the salad, I’m on a date!

a couple out on a date
Pass the salad, I'm on a date(Getty Images)
A study says women order healthy food while on a date. It’s all about sending a subtle message through food.

Here’s some serious food for romantic thought. Among other things, culinary tastes apparently play an important role in the Mars-Venus dynamics. A date, after all, is never a simple boy-meets-girl, boy-checks out-girl affair. As daters vouch for, it is more about decoding hidden signs, contextual behaviours, off-the-cuff remarks and gestures.

Now, add one more aspect to the list - what a woman orders while she’s out with a potential suitor. Or so says a study.

A research conducted by psychologist Meredith Young at McMaster University in Onatario, reveals that if a woman is with a man, she’s more likely to eat food of a ‘lower caloric value’ than if she’s with her girl pals. So given a choice, she might go for a green salad or nibble some whole-wheat sandwich than tear into a tandoori chicken or double-deck burger.

Consciously or not, the study suggests, women use the contents of the plate to transmit a subliminal message. “The salad leaves say, ‘I’m pretty, attractive and take care of myself,” says Young. Men, apparently, have no such compulsions; they order anything their appetites fancy.

She says
“Understandable,” says Manika Datta, a PR executive. Manika is clear about what she’d order on a date. “Continental food, especially grilled fish with wine.” The no-nos? “Cheesy sandwiches. What if a shred of lettuce or cheese drips from the sides? Besides, continental food is classy.”

Basically, it stems from the pressures of a date in the initial stages. You’ve to look good and come across as sophisticated - even as you are sizing up your would-be and being sized up in return. Prerna Shah, a creative writing student says, “I’m usually nervous on a date, hence would rather order something non-messy. Not because I want to give out any message, only because I wouldn’t want anything to stick to my teeth making me more conscious! So no cob of corn or spinach for me.”

Industry agrees
Restaurateurs who have observed behavioural patterns of young daters corroborate the study. Says Tanai Shirali, a chef, “It’s all about the projected image. Women these days are bold, they are comfortable wearing bold clothes. Obviously, they wouldn’t want to sit on the table and burp! So salads, soups and whole-wheat pizzas suit them.” The choice extends to drinks as well, with white wine being the favourite. “Honestly, I don’t see them ordering scotch on the rocks while with a man!” he laughs.

He says
But while the act is ostensibly put on to impress the opposite sex, do men really care what their dates tuck in? Apparently not. Abhijit Kini, a cartoonist is tired of women who go to the fanciest joints, take a long time going through the menu only to choose a salad! “I have never known a healthy eating girl on a date,” he complains. “She won’t have spice even if you take her to the best place. She doesn’t want mess, so rotis and gravies are out. Often, I end up under-eating. After all, it would come across as un-gentlemanly if I am hogging while she is eating the ring of a tomato!”

Women, he says, try to send multiple subliminal messages. “One is that they are calorie watching. Two, they don’t want to make a mess. Three, they don’t want to come across as a glutton. Interestingly, the same girl eats quite well at home!”

Others groan even the place girls select has a message. Ranjan Singh, an entrepreneur, has noticed most women he dates, stick to salads, exotic drinks and finger foods until a comfort level is established. “But I am more amused by their choice of place. It’ll always be, what is considered ‘cool’: a high-end restaurant or pub by the sea,” he says. 



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