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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Women find men with monotonous voices 'irresistible'

Women find men with monotonous voices 'irresistible' (Getty Images)
Many may find them boring, but a new study says men with monotonous voices are more attractive to women.

An international team has carried out the study and found that most women find such men irresistible as monotonous voices are associated with strength, confidence and power, The Daily Telegraph reported.
The study, led by the universities of California and Pennysylvania, found that men with a steady tone of voice had a significantly higher number of female partners than their more expressive counterparts.
In their study, the researchers measured the voices of male volunteers in various situations, including a simulated dating game, and analysed the results.

The amount their vocal pitch changed -- known as fundamental frequency variation -- was found to be directly linked to the number of female partners the men had in the past year. The constant frequency of a monotonous voice shows a man is in control, while anxiety triggers a rise in vocal frequency and aggression causes it to deepen.

Lead researcher Prof David Puts of Pennsylvania State University said: "The power would be attractive, not the voice as such. It appears that the women are preferring males who are higher in status. It would be the status they would be most interested in."

Men who used masculine language -- such as those who said "I am bigger and stronger than most men" -- were also rated more attractive in the study published in the 'Archives Of Sexual Behaviour' journal. 



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