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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your best friends are in your family

Your best friends are in your family(Getty Images)
When it comes to finding a shoulder to cry on or share your worries, family relations come first and then friends, a study has found.

The study showed that a typical close friendship lasts 18 years with most best friends meeting at school, work or university. But at the same time people lose touch with around 24 friends over the years, reports

Three-quarters of best friends are revealed as family members, with mothers topping the list at 39 percent, followed by sisters at 23 percent, while one in 10 people nominated their spouse.

Eighty-four percent of the respondents said relationships with family and friends were the most important things in their life.

Shefali Mattani of Nivea, which commissioned the survey, said: "It is only the really strong friendships which continue despite life's interruptions and of course family members are often the most reliable and trustworthy people to turn to."

Two-thirds of those questioned said a busy lifestyle meant they saw friends less and less, although a third were happy to confide in their pals over the internet.

"There really is nothing like making the effort to meet face-to-face. That is why we are urging people to take time out, really think about the relationships they have, and celebrate close family ties and friendships," said Mattani.  



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